Thursday, August 11, 2005


I know another girl who came to me one night. Over a glass of root beer and a pack of cigarettes she told me about a bet she had made. Some friends of hers challenged her 1k each that she could never make this one nice, married, family, homely type forty`s man, fall in love with her. That this guy was 99 and a half percent unprovocable.That was the ultimate assurance from her friends. They wouldn`t throw away 1k each if they were skeptical.

Being naive and short minded thinking plus the triple k`s that she would get from three friends, she accepted the challenge. She said she just couldn`t resist being challenged that way. Moreover it was her self pride and integrity that she had to preserve.

Days passed by and the nice homely man started to melt day by day. Until that night she told me that this guy was already half way in love with her. She was beginning to get the creeps with assumptions and what if`s. That the guy was all over her everyday life. Consistant phone calls days and nights that were genuinly resulted from an innocent heart that really cared.A man who was almost deeply in love and ironically so pure that he had never even touched her so far. She just couldn`t tell the truth because she didn`t know how and most of all, the imagined heartbreak to follow. If she kept playing the game, nobody could guarantee no home broken or a divorce filed. She was getting real scared of the circumstances. That if there was a bit of love in her heart for that man, it was just a speck, all for the sake of his innocence and that she could just rid of it like swatting a fly from her cheek.

She told the three friends and they had already noticed the changes earlier on. The three friends had by then cancelled their bets because things were getting serious and that they couldn`t handle the situation anymore. Moreover that nice homely man was not only a friend but a higher superior and they dared not when it came to telling the truth about the bet. That would make them looked like bozos and the victim a double bozo.

As she related her woes it was already almost 4am. All the while I was trying to indentify her weaknesses and that night I knew one thing about her. She succumbs to the ultimate truth in life. Sincererity.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor girl... caught in her own truth or dare. Why was she so stupid to accept a dangerous bet? and why were they even more stupid to think they can win in a bet? the amount of money they bet on will never be worth the price.
i pity the man... but if he's married, more shame to him.
why do u think this sort of thing even exist nowadays?hmmmmm

11:57 PM  
Blogger DREAMSTORM said...

i dunno babe.. maybe it started as a prank.. nobody expected it would work.. it`s like playing with fire... u think u can control it but when it gets real huge it becomes out of control.. why this sort of thing exists? well.. maybe life gets more complicated each day and it takes complicated things to get a `high'... this fire is still ongoing though.. i even got her permission to write this story.. maybe the best thing to sum it up is that `shit just happens'...

12:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I supposed ur right in a way, but all things happen for a reason, and how we deal with them is by choice. Our choice. So, playing with fire? hmm... they shud be old enough to know where theyre going with it. Bear the consequences babe, however it happened. Well, as for a high... sounds like a mid-life crisis to me. sorry baby, im just saying it generally. not u tho... Not u. :-)
Hows life?

11:19 PM  
Blogger DREAMSTORM said...

Yup.. a reason fer evrythin.. in the end we`ll see it.. I`m ok ;) havin fun whenever I can.. movies, lepak, teh tarik hehe.. peeking into other people`s world whenever, whoever wanna let me.. bein with friends.. hang in there babe.. u got a nice blog.. any probs just buzz me ;)

3:14 AM  

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