Sunday, June 05, 2005


I know a girl who comes and goes anytime she likes. I mean she changes every day
according to whatever it takes with every new day. Sometimes I`d miss her for who she was only yesterday. Changes her phone number a dozen times. Changes her hairstyle many more times to suit each mood. Not to mention the colours of her hair or for that matter the eyes.

Then she would just disappear totally for a long time and reappears in my life all of a sudden. She would never say what happened or even talk about yesterday. The only words that she would say were that she had been busy or she got occupied with something which ended in a wild goose chase. She once told me, good or bad she`d just have a go because she`d rather have something to lose than having nothing to gain.

For some strange reasons, I know her but then again I don`t. So unpredictable and yet so familiar. So near yet so far. She`s a living tick-tock clock that never stay put for even one second.

Even at times I`d wonder where she`d be and doing what. Is she alright or in some kind of trouble. Soon the thoughts would simply disappear from my head. Just when I totally forgot about her she`d ring up and we would meet all over again. What a character this girl is. Must be life`s rollercoaster, this girl.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

She just wants to be unpredictable, so as life wont be boring for u both, esp for her. perhaps she's looking for an answer to something. u ever asked her? who knows...
but who wants to be dull? enjoy life baby!

1:46 PM  
Blogger DREAMSTORM said...

Perhaps babe... boring yea.. so many things bore me these days... maybe i should get abducted by aliens or somethin just ta get unbored...

2:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahaha....girl ni sah sah bukan aku..sebab ko takde nomo tepon aku...keh keh keh...

Tapi aku kah itu? Ohh...pasti bukan...becoz i cut my hair once or twice in a life time...hehehe...

Take care...bila la leh lepak2 cam dulu eh...ade contact lagi ke member lain?

8:15 AM  
Blogger DREAMSTORM said...

roti boom.. ko kejap der.. kejap x der

4:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.

8:13 AM  

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