Monday, October 03, 2005


The more you think about things, the more each thing become so pointless. In the end, the only thing that you will find is the art of filling empty spaces with things that you define as wonderful. Good things, favourite things that make you happy and never fail in making you feel good.

When you are used to collecting good things, you tend to collect more and more. Each time you try to make it better than the last. If you are not able in reaching that goal then you tend to feel unsatisfied. Soon the level of what you call good things, takes to a higher notch with each improvement you try to make. You would do anything for as long as it makes you feel as good as the last time if not better.

After a long time the good things start to become scarce because the level has risen so high that what you used to term as good things by then have become a common norm.

Then you break. No more good enough things left. At least none that reach your level anymore. You just ponder at others collecting their good things and smirk a little while scratching your head because you know you`ve been there. What else can you do but start all over again. Only this time with a different key maybe with the never fading hope of discovering something new.

If you stop, you will become an existence with no reasons. A nothing.


Blogger DREAMSTORM said...

i`m just a nobody beb.. i dream alot.. i like yer perception of things.. yer "selamba" way is cool... keep it up n don`t get tinted by anyone`s critism..

12:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

remind me a heroine. ha

8:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey papa...tak sangka aku ko ada talent menulis cerpen plak..

Aler..aku tau ko ade talent..ko ni dah le ensem, ade talent..musti ramai yg tirguda...kecuali aku..keh keh keh...

Ko kenal tak aku ni saper..member lama la bro...kita penah lepak2 makan roti boom..aku ler...the one and only who is murni at heart...kes kes kes...pi cek ym...ko tau ler aku sapa..tak kenal kalo..ish..kene deting le plak...(wei ade awek ke ni..kang ade yg kene pelangkong..manyak sowii....!!)

8:10 AM  
Blogger DREAMSTORM said...

roti boom yg murni.. wa slalu ingat lu.. tempat jatuh lagi dikenang weh.. hehe.. clamat ari laye... mahap bebanyak kalau der terkasar bahasa ker.. termakan lelebih ker.. nnti kita mkn roti boom gi ek?

borro.. slmt ari raya... maaf zahir batin terlasar bahasa ker.. i tak cuti pon raya ari tu.. mlm raya pon keje gak.. sronok ramai kawan kat opis ni.. ;)

11:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

u tak kawen gi eh..?
selambaaa jee malam raya lepak kat ofis...
and umur u memang dah half decade ke..? ceh...sunggoh bizi bodi.. :D

10:45 AM  
Blogger DREAMSTORM said...

hehe.. wa dah der 2 kids bebesau form4 n form3 next year... wife org kl.. kg.pandan laa.. tu pasal ar lih lepak opis sampai ke subuh raya.. best giler ramai kengkawan di jabatan hiburan 24hours.. wheeeeee!

12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo I absolutely adore your site. You have beautiful graphics I have ever seen.

7:55 AM  

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