Monday, July 17, 2006


That night she looked extra pretty. I`ve never seen her as beautiful as she was that night. She wore a classic short soft skirt in black and in the dim light her pretty slim legs glowed in smooth silky elegance. High heels. A G-string top of soft blue with some flower designs not so obviously visible because of the even softer blue tones of the background. A soft see-through black overcoat that hung loose over her shoulder. She wore pearl necklaces of three different sizes each a little much bigger than the other which she cleverly looped around her neck. The ends of her pearls just laid soft on her fair bosom that would be quite revealing otherwise. It was just enough not to stir unwanted stares by unwanted stalking eyes. She wore tiny diamond bling bling which was beautifully crafted to spell her name on her wrist which sparkled in awesome colours as she moved her hand. She just let go her hair so free that it looked perfectly natural as she smiled occasionally while she spoke.

"One of these days I`ll get you a bling bling with your name papa..." she whispered softly but full of excitement.

Before I could say anything she recalled as though she just remembered something. Indeed she had.

"No.. how silly of me, you wouldn`t wear it. You can`t.. can you? You`re a man. My man! Don`t you dare!" she continued with a short childish giggle while cuddling me spontaneousely over the neck as she laid her head soft on my shoulder.

She dozed off silently soft over my shoulder as I drove passed the streetlights. What a wonderful night it was. Two outstandingly different worlds for me like the coloured neons. For one, I had been in trouble over some stupid reasons somewhere else and before I could resolve to an answer she just appeared in my life and saved me all over again. Out of nowhere. Like a UFO. She didn`t know. I didn`t tell her. I almost cried in silent tears of joy. One moment with her was like a millenium full of tranquility and inner peace. What an angel she was that night. My angel.


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