Tuesday, September 26, 2006


You make up things too much !

Isn`t that what life`s all about? Making up things?


Ahah! I hear some sort of an optimism here!

Well.. maybe your interpretation of making up things have a different definition.

Still.. good enough! They do exist in your vocabulary.. at least!

Of course they do! Only I see them in a different way.

Life is making up things to keep us busy day by day so that we have someting to live for. Something to keep us busy everyday so that we won`t grow moss on our bodies. A rolling stone we are he! he!

I said you make up things too much. Didn`t you catch the TOO MUCH at the end?

Yea! Means I enjoy life very very much. Thank You!



You make up things too much. Things that sometimes don`t even exist in reality with respect to your everyday life. You make them up like adding spice on your steak or salt in your soup to make them taste better.

Nothing wrong with that! That`s why salt, pepper and spice and sauce exists! Please please don`t tell me they don`t exist!

Of course they exist idiot!

Walla! why the fuss?

Why the fuss? What`s the point is the ultimate question here. Why must you believe in something that`s just the opposite way? Like why do make believe that ..er..er.. a certain woman loves you when in reality she just thinks that you are just another jerk in her life?

Ha!ha! ha!


You are such a bore my friend. Add spice to your chicken! He!He! We are back on a collision course here. Again!

I don`t see your point!

Of course not! You`re full of moss!
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