Saturday, May 28, 2005


Whatever it was that I told my friend about the mountains, I must have lied to him somewhere along the way. Deep inside I knew I agreed with him one hundred percent. I too am walking backwards looking at the wonderful things I`ve left behind. The only difference is that bad experience had thaught me to peep forward once in a while to look where I`m going. I don`t like peeping forward because if I do that, I tend to assume things and make calculations. These calculations and what if`s freeze me up at times. In the end I would become a big fat zero getting nothing done. My friend was certainly right. The mountains do look majestic from far and I certainly want them that way. The time machine he was babbling about, can only exist in my dreams. The idea of undoing wrongs and doing what should have been done still haunt me to this day.

Here I am till this day, walking backwards and getting bumps on my head, trips and falls and not one bit learning anything new.

"Trying To Forget" - ( a sketch from my early journal )

Thursday, May 26, 2005


Talk about sayings, the infamous "NEVER WRITE OFF LIVERPOOL" proved lethal this morning. Magnificent comeback by the boys in red after a three goal deficit, has got to be the most amazing turnaround in football history and will be long remembered. I, being a Liverpool die-hard fan since the Craig Johnston and Ian Rush days shall certainly cherish this particular "back from the dead" victory!
  • Friday, May 20, 2005


    Wait one more minute. Light up a cigarette and sit down. Relax. Let`s think this thing out slow and easy. Be reasonable and try to find an answer for each question that crops up. Come up with the best possible answer if you have to choose. Inhale. Nice and slow and let it out. See? Feel the space inside your head? After all, it`s just life. This is what people do. Rearranging puzzles and putting them in the right places. Only sometimes we tend to become a little confused because we always want the best of everything and want nothing to lose. Inhale. Nice and slow and let it out. clearer now? How big the space is. The best of everything? Why? Hey so what if you lose a little. Does it matter much? Will it make you a much lesser person than you already are? Who do you think you are? Inhale. Let go. One more time inhale. Deeper this time and let go. So what? Don`t you realise that you don`t actually have to make a choice at all? Maybe the choice will appear before you. Get another stick from the box and light another. Relax. Wait another minute.

    Friday, May 06, 2005


    "Kalamakin" - ( a sketch from my early journal )

    Old folks are wise indeed. They have gone through a lot in life. They passed on philosophical sayings that sometimes sounds so very simple but yet so definitively vast. I do not know the origin of the saying "A friend in need is a friend indeed" but one can look at it from various different point of view. I often wonder who was the person who left this wonderful particular saying until today it sounds like a legacy and at the same time sounds like a joke. A caricature.

    Was this person babbling to himself because he was conned by someone else who befriended him for something precious that he had. After that something was mischieviously taken from him the so called friend left him for good. In his realisation that he had been conned he mumbled the words "A friend in need is a friend indeed".

    Or could it be that this person was old and lonely. Memories of his past often haunted him. Those happy days when he had lots of friends and being needed, was a busy part of his everyday life. A routine. Until one day he got old and friends either passed away or had moved on with their own destiny. So he missed those happy times when he was being needed most of the times by friends. Thus upon the realisation of how wonderful it was when someone needed him, he sighed to himself the saying "A friend in need is a friend indeed".

    Or just simply someone who helped this person out of his trouble. They just became bosom friends until the end. Being glad he sang "A friend in need is a friend indeed".

    Thursday, May 05, 2005


    "Yunieta Munalisa" - ( a sketch from my early journal )

    There`s this humongous sea of stagnant emptiness that appears and reappears impromptu. There seems no end. No shores. No beaches or trees to even mark the random coordination of your existence at this moment. Don`t bother to walk your way out. You are just a speck of grain in the middle of nothingness. No less than the trees and the stars. Forget about yesterday or tomorrow. Time has no meaning here. You are here now and there`s nothing you can do about it. Suddenly there`s no reason for anything. You are turning into one big fat zero that freezes in the middle of this dead calm sea. Actions and reactions are insignificant because the answer to anything does not matter. Only one thing certain. You are out of the rat race for better or worse.
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