Thursday, March 31, 2005


Hello monkey... how u been? Long time no see... been dreamin bout ya n those happy times that we spent t`gether... been waterin da flowers all these while u know.. with this great big fat hope that i`d see ya one more time.. i dun actually know fer what.. but that fat hope still looms above my head like a piece of cloud stalkin me where ever i go.. hehe yea i reckon u still remember bout da flowers. Yer still my one hard habit ta break.Who knows one of these days we might bump into each other... n then what?

Well.. i know one thing though ..u got me on that boat .We can never turn back n undo that. Good luck where ever u r..cya.. if not here.. maybe in da next life huh?

"Hello Monkey" - ( a sketch from my early journal )

Friday, March 25, 2005


A friend of mine said... life is like walking backwards while pondering in awe at the things and moments that you`ve left behind. The further you go the more beautiful those things seem from far. They`re like the mountains and the clouds in the horizon... so majestic from far. You just look in amazement and in the back of your mind, you know that you`ve been there.. and while you were there you didn`t feel the beauty of that place.. that particular moment... that... that particular "part" of the so called mountain didn`t do quite enough. Somewhere, somehow you should have done this and that but at that particular time, those things didn`t cross your mind one bit.

This friend of mine got upset and said.. i wish i have a time machine so that i could go back and enjoy that mountain all over again. Life goes on and we can never go back especially trying to undo what we have done.

I said to this friend.. in that case my friend, why don`t you start walking forward and look where you are going.. you never know when you`re gonna hit a tree or a trip over a root.. and more importantly a prettier mountain just way yonder over those hills.

He got me upset.. what`s the point he said.. you will not be who you are when you reach this new mountain anyways.

"Here we are" - ( a sketch from my early journal )

Thursday, March 17, 2005


The drawing board is a stage between dreams and reality. It`s some sort of a communicator where dreams in the head are translated into messages that`s visible and audible in reality. Once finalised to full perfection ( at least that`s what i always thought ), it should be easily understood and translated through the open mind of an ordinary human being.

One day on my drawing board...
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